Editorial Board

Editorial Board

Gheorghe Lazea
Sergiu Nedevschi
Mircea Ivan
Dept. of Automation Dept. of Computer Science Dept. of Mathematics
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca Technical University of Cluj-Napoca Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
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Editorial Advisory Board

Mihai Abrudean — Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Tiberiu Coloşi — Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Petru Dobra — Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Ion Dumitrache — “Politehnica” University Bucureşti
Clement Feştilă — Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Tiberiu Leţia — Technical University of Cluj-Napoca

Vladimir Creţu — “Politehnica” University Timişoara
Iosif Ignat — Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Ioan-Alfred Leţia — Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Ioan Salomie — Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Nicolae Ţăpuş — “Politehnica” University Bucureşti

Ulrich Abel — Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen
Viorel Barbu — Romanian Academy, Bucharest
Ioan Gavrea — Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Heiner Gonska — University of Duisburg-Essen
Vijay Gupta — Netaji Subhas University of Technology, New Delhi
Miguel Antonio Jiménez-Pozo — Autonomous University of Puebla, Mexico
László Kozma — University of Debrecen
Alexandru Mitrea — Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Mircea Rus — Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Blagovest Sendov — Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia

Editorial Secretaries

Voichiţa Bărăian, Daniela Inoan, Alina Sîntămărian
(Technical University of Cluj-Napoca)

Automation, Computers, Applied Mathematics - Scientific Journal - (Autom. Comput. Appl. Math.)
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca - English - [1 vol. (= 2 issues) a year]
ISSN 1221-437X: http://acam.tucn.ro