About the Journal

ACAM CoverAutomation, Computers, Applied Mathematics (ACAM) is a peer reviewed journal that publishes selected papers covering theoretical and experimental research and development in automation, computing and applied mathematics.

The journal topics include: automatic control, robotics, signal processing, system engineering, distributed control systems, modeling and simulations, computer science, software engineering, real-time systems, image processing, artificial intelligence, information technology, networks and communications, classical numerical analysis and its applications.

Papers concerning the mathematical approach of problems from physical and social sciences or engineering are considered.

Only manuscripts written in English will be accepted for publication. Manuscripts longer than 20 double-spaced typewritten pages will generally not be considered.

ACAM is indexed and abstracted in the Mathematical Reviews of the American Mathematical Society since 1992 (see also http://www.ams.org/msnhtml/serials.pdf) and is CNCSIS Ranked B+.

Contact Us

You may contact us by regular mail at the following address:

Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Faculty of Automation and Computer Science
Str. G. Baritiu, Nr. 26-28
400027 Cluj-Napoca, Romania
or by e-mail at one of the following addresses:

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Instructions for authors
How to prepare articles: The articles should be written in English. The style of writing must meet usual standards for mathematical papers. Papers written in a careless manner will not be accepted, independently of their  mathematical contents. Manuscripts longer than 20 double-spaced typewritten pages will generally not be considered.

Authors are requested to use LaTeX in preparation of their articles according to the template that can be downloaded here.
Automation, Computers, Applied Mathematics - Scientific Journal - (Autom. Comput. Appl. Math.)
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca - English - [1 vol. (= 2 issues) a year]
ISSN 1221-437X: http://acam.tucn.ro